Friday, April 13, 2012


The painting I have choosen for PPF is part of a collage I have been working on and put it aside to work on something else.  I am unsure what to do with this painting.  It is on watercolor paper and has been cut apart as I did not like part of the collage.  I fear this will be put away for a second time and not seen for months!  Join all the artists that have submitted paintings for today.   What fun! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

My Granddaughter, Valarie

Thank you for all the prayers for Valarie.  She is out of surgery and they were able to remove the gall bladder laparscopicly.  She requires more surgery on Monday, but it will be another laparotomy.  This is an answer to our prayers.   My spell check says I can't spell, but doesn't have any correction.

Paint Party Friday

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I have chosen for the 4th week of PPF to add the letters I have painted for certain members of my family and will use on a card, collage, or who-knows-what?  Now it won't be a surprise, but who can keep a secret for very long?  Not me!
Please say a prayer for my beautiful granddaughter as she has surgery this morning.  She has a handsome husband and two beautiful sons who need their mother to be home and healthy as soon as possible.
